O. Smith - February 2021
Our State Representative earns $188.22 per day for each day the Kentucky Legislature is in session, being 60 days or more, plus $188.22 every other day of the year she conducts legislative work in Frankfort, ie., committee meetings, etc. Additionally, she receives $166.10 per day for expenses for each day of the legislative session and another $18.71 per meeting she chairs. For the 60-day session only, she is paid $21,259.20 and if she chairs 10 meetings, an additional $187.10. This does not include pay for legislative trips to Frankfort after the usual session.
But, what had not been reported previously was that she receives $1,788.51 per month for at least 10 months for a “home-office.” That totals another $17,885.10. Have any of you met with our Representative at her office so she can personally assist you with a problem? Or is your contact with her only on the phone, e-mail, or social media? For $1,788.51 per month, I am certain an office could be arranged in the Whitley County Courthouse, a part time secretary could be hired and our Legislator could be present for 10 to 12 hours per week to meet with her constituents and local officials. Why not?
The Kentucky House and Senate adjourned January 13, 2021 and will reconvene on Tuesday, February 2, 2021. During the first segment of the 2021 Regular Session, our State Representative introduced HB 252 - an Act relating to taxation of pension income to increase the pension income exclusion for State income taxes from $31,110 to $41,110, to be retroactive to January 1, 2018. What a self-serving bill, as she draws a teachers’ pension. That will be a nice refund for her for 2018 and 2019 and it will lower her taxes for 2020. What has she done for the rest of us who do not draw a pension? Has she introduced a bill to exclude $41,000 of our taxable income from taxation?
The House Education Committee, which she chairs, has not referred, received or reported favorably any bill as of January 14, 2021. I know you are anxious to learn what else our State Representative has been doing in the Legislature. I will provide you a full report shortly.
- David O. Smith
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Please Note: David Smith, Marcia Smith are independent attorneys with individual areas of practice.